Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Last Day of School: Freshman Year

Today was our last day of school, but it didn't really seem like it because we had finals and did not even sign yearbooks. We started on our summer bucket list, it has things from forking peoples lawns to floating the ditch it will keep us pretty occupied this summer. We are taking pictures to document each item completed. The items that we completed today were climbing a tree, drawing with chalk, taking pictures, and obviously laughing. Surprisingly we didn't get mooned today... thank goodness. We are going to night games tonight celebrating the end of school, we are hoping that it will be fun. We will be posting pictures soon.
Love The Crazies

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Our First Post

Dearest Readers (we are addressing you like you are actually there)
Today we were really bored so we decided to make a video on our webcam... which lead to the making of this blog! we are crazy to the point that we are sure that we will never have boyfriends or be married. Thats why this blog is called The Crazies Next Door because we may live next to you. Today we only had half a day of school we went on a pretty great adventure to a park that is about three miles away where we terrorized little children, prank called, stalked people, practiced our steven tyler screams... and got mooned. Pretty exciting day in the lives of the crazies! Today we made a pretty funny video that will be posted below.
Love The Crazies